February | April | July | September 1 Year MYR 35,700 Postgraduate - Masters
The School of Politics, History and International Relations (PHIR) gives the University a special research-hub in the scenes of political science, international relations (IR) and history. MRes degrees takes a year to complete and you will be assessed via course work and a dissertation. You may proceed to be signed up to the MPhil degree initially, and progress on to the PhD thereafter. The least registration space for a PhD is two years full-time, though students invariably take three years research with an additional year to write up on a 100,000 word thesis. Advancement is assessed on a yearly basis and failure to pass the yearly review will suffer the consequence of either a termination of the degree, or its down-grading from PhD to MPhil.
History is the study of the past as it is described in written documents. It help studentds to gain a valuable understanding of the defining events of the past, recognise their impact upon the present, and develop an insight into the future.