Psychology Course Overview

Psychology Course Overview

Psychology is the study of the human mind. If you find yourself wondering why a person acts and thinks in a particular way, and are curious to find out the reason, you might enjoy this course. The study of psychology will introduce you to the systematic and scientific study of the behaviour and mental processes of human beings and animals. It is about the mind, emotions and behaviour and how different situations have an effect on them.

What will you study?

The curriculum is broad - ranging from animal behaviour, to interactions between hormones and other biochemical processes, to social construction of gender. You will also learn to analyse psychological data statistically and logically. You will be exposed to psychological facts, principles and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. You will also learn methods psychologists use in their science and practice.

Core subjects

Biopsychology; cognitive science; hormones, olfaction, pheromones and behaviour; human perception: applications to computer graphics, art and visual display; multivariate analysis of psychological data; neuroethology (human neuroanatomy); personality and social psychology; psychology and law; the origins of thought and knowledge.

Typical course duration

You will need at least three years to complete a degree in psychology.


There are usually no specific subject requirements.

What do graduates do?

Graduates can work in clinics, counselling services, education, research and areas of clinical psychology, health psychology and occupational psychology, as well as in human resources, advertising and public relations.

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