Pharmacy Course Overview

Pharmacy Course Overview

Pharmacy is the study of chemistry and biology of drugs, their effect on humans, and the proper dispensing of drugs (medicine) to patients.

What will you study?

The course is made up of a number of scientific disciplines which contributes to the understanding of medical substances and medicines; their origin, properties and production; and their use in treating diseases. While you will be taught technical and scientific subject matters, you will also be trained to be a good counsellor to patients. You will learn tactical techniques as well as communication skills, ethics and professional conduct.

Core subjects

Applied pharmacotherapeutics; medicinal chemistry; molecular pathogenesis; pharmaceutical biotechnology; pharmaceutical microbiology; pharmaceutics; pharmacology; physiology; professional and clinical practice; toxicology; traditional, holistic and other complementary medicine and practices.

Typical course duration

A degree in this subject will take at least four years to complete. To become a qualified pharmacist you must also do one year of training and three years of government service after graduation.


Prior study of biology and chemistry, plus mathematics, is required.

What do graduates do?

Graduates can find jobs in public and private hospitals and clinics, retail pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers as well as in education and research.

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