Economics Course Overview

Economics Course Overview

Economics is the study of how people choose to use their resources to satisfy their unlimited wants. Economics builds scientific models to explain why people behave the way they do. Economists use these models, in conjunction with their observation of the world, to analyse and explain why things turn out the way they do.

What will you study?

The course normally covers three main areas - theory, quantitative and application - that offer an in-depth study of economic principles and theories that influence policy-making in a country. You will learn about forces that influence activities and determine price levels in an economy or trading system. Mathematics is a major part of the course and you'll see how it helps in making economic decisions.

You also will develop your powers of analysis and critical thought, while building on your skills in communication and rational argument.

Core subjects

Comparative economic systems; economic development and development planning; game theory; industrial organisation and regulation; international monetary theory and policy; labour economics; quantitative methods; statistical and econometric methods; international economics (trade and finance).

Typical course duration

A degree in economics will take at least three years to complete.


Prior study of accounting, business studies and mathematics is required.

What do graduates do?

You can work for banks, consultancies, the government and private organisations and academic institutions. Possible careers include economists, brokers, financial analysts, traders. statisticians etc.

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