Dance Course Overview

Dance Course Overview

To dance is to rhythmically move one's feet or body to the accompaniment of music. In higher dance education, you will be taught classical dance forms, western and contemporary dance, and choreography.

What will you study?

In addition to a rigorous physical training regimen, you'll learn about different systems of dance notation - ways of describing human movement through written symbols and abbreviations. Theoretical aspects of dance will also be taught, including the history of dance, critical analysis, and dance injury causes, prevention and treatment. Non-dance subjects may include management, languages (particularly French) and computing.

Core subjects

Dance history; ballet; modern and jazz techniques; body conditioning; choreography; dance education; dance notation; dance theory, philosophy, and criticism; technical production; sports and exercise medicine; world dance.

Typical course duration

A course may range from nine months for a certificate to up to five years for a bachelor's degree.


Apart from a basic dance education, you will also need to attend an audition and interview. You may be required to pass an entrance examination, depending on the institution.

What do graduates do?

In addition to performing, dance graduates can also work as chereographers, trainers or as management at an educational institution or society. Additional teaching qualifications will be needed if you intend to teach dance.

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