January |April |June |September 4 Year Average Fees per Year Degree
This course is designed to provide students with a critical and reflective overview of marketing research and planning and its relevance in contemporary business. Students will be exposed to core and emerging key business principles, concepts and applications while also developing in-depth understanding of marketing practices and their role in achieving organisational goals. Upon completion, students will be able to understand the role of marketing and communications in business. Students will also be able to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate advanced communication and marketing strategies.
Mass Communication revolves around delivering timely information to a wide audience anytime and anywhere, regardless of location restrictions. It encompasses a wide range of topics such as entertainment, news, branding activities, and public advice – that is repeated on magazines, television, newspapers, radio, online portals, and advertisements. The programme equips students with the skillsets required in managing, analysing, and strengthening communications in multiple areas such as interpersonal, public, and professional interactions.